My most favorite food, that I can eat everyday, without getting tired of is a 'Dutch cheese sandwich with appelstroop'.
You could say that it is my Dutch heritage, growing up with it, but that is not really true. I did not eat cheese, or even would tough anything that had toughed cheese, until I was nineteen. So my favoritism is of my adulthood.
Let me first explain a bit for all not Dutch people (and probably plenty of Dutch people, because apparently what I am talking about is really something from the south (Limburg) of the Netherlands) what I mean when I say 'a Dutch cheese sandwich with appelstroop'.
A Dutch sandwich with cheese and appelstroop
(Boterham met kaas en appelstroop)
It is a slice of dutch bread, either white or (whole) wheat (latter is healthier, first can be an exceptional treat), with a layer of appelstroop (will explain this later or maybe even write a blog about it) and then one layer of Gouda cheese, a bit aged in general.
The combination of the soft, chewy bread, the sweet tart flavor of the appelstroop and the salty flavor of the Gouda cheese is something that is never boring to me.
It is really delicious!
My biggest issue with my favorite food is that I live in the United States. So some of the very essential parts of my favorite food are hard to find. In particular, a slice of tasty Dutch bread is almost impossible to find. Gouda cheese has made it to many stores in the US, so not too much of an issue. Appelstroop can be purchased through Dutch Food importers (yes, they exist and there are plenty of them), but the Dutch bread needs to be at least a bit fresh, and I have not really found a baker in the Bay area that makes such a thing. So I bake my own bread every other day to be able to have have my 'boterham met kaas en appelstroop'.
* The top image is what a typical dutch slice of wheat bread looks like, and the right picture is a slice of full grain bread with cheese. Of course I could not really find an image of one with appelstroop...
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